Family Systems Therapy is a method of psychotherapy based on the Murray Bowen Theory of Natural Systems. It has applicability in a wide range of problems. Any family member who seeks help will aid the entire family.
The aim of Family Systems Therapy is for family members to understand and accept their individual responsibility in the emotional functioning of the family unit. By learning to recognize the emotional relationship patterns and how anxiety is handled in the family, the individual can learn to manage self more thoughtfully and objectively therefore aiding each family member become more functional. Relationships change and symptoms decrease as family members improve their emotional functioning.
Consultation and education services are available. The concepts and methods developed in the Family Systems framework are applicable in industrial and other organizational settings. When managerial and administrative personnel understand how emotional systems function, employees become more effective. When all employees function effectively, productivity increases. The organizational goals are advanced. Courses based on Family Systems Theory are appropriate for executives, managers and supervisors, as well as employees.